The Californian Massage is a relaxing discipline close to the Swedish massage. It consists of a succession of long, fluid and harmonious movements throughout the body to open and stimulate consciousness, in order to experience the present moment in a deep body and spirit relaxation. This massage is one of the most appreciated.


Created in the early 1970s in California around working groups in psychotherapy, this massage was born of a need for reassuring affection, for participants whose emotional charge was very strong. Margaret Elke, a Swedish massage therapist, codified, structured and taught this new type of massage.


The Californian massage is a work on the sensitive and relational level. Based mainly on touching techniques, it is an exercise on the sensitivity and reappropriation of his body.


The Californian Massage acts on several levels: mind, body and emotion. It brings many benefits such as:

- A better psychological balance.

- Elimination of negative states like anxiety, tension, anguish and stress.

- A better knowledge and acceptance of his body.

- A relaxation of the muscles and the whole body.


A complete Californian Massage session lasts about 45 minutes. It is practiced on a massage table by gentle movements and pressures. The practitioner uses perfumed oils with relaxing and soothing properties as well as scented candles and music for a soft, zen and warm atmosphere that stimulates the senses (hearing, smell, touch, sight). Complete Californian massage is practiced all over the body, from head to toe, beginning with the back and then the torso.


It is a relaxation massage above all. This treatment combines both gentle pressures to soothe deeper and deeper tensions (the Californian massage is not for therapeutic purpose and can not replace a physiotherapist).


The Californian massage is practiced on the whole body. It provides a deep relaxation while stimulating the circulation and oxygenating the whole body. 


Californian Massage (full)


Back, legs, torso, face, scalp. An extreme and total relaxation for a lasting effect.

60 minutes / 68 € or 45 minutes / 58 €


Californian Massage (dorsal)


Back, legs, scalp, arms. A relaxing and beneficial massage.

30 minutes / 38 €


The complete massage should not be administered to patients with diabetes or subjects with heart problems. Similarly for patients with high blood pressure. Persons who have undergone recent surgery must also not be fully massaged. This is also the case for those with infectious diseases.


Hatha yoga is the most practiced yoga in the West. It allows a gentle mastery of the body and the senses and works especially the postures to have a better physical form.


It is a discipline for everybody. "Anyone who can breathe is able to do yoga," Desikachar, son and privileged student of Sri Krishnamacharya, a yogi recognized and credited with embodying the power of Hatha yoga to re-emerge in recent decades.


Each posture is held the time of several deep breaths. Hatha yoga is associated with the control of the breath (pranayama) and concentration.


Thanks to certain postures, called "asanas", it is possible to improve transient or chronic difficulties. Indeed, yoga of the eyes helps to fight against the ocular fatigue thanks to soft exercises; There is also a yoga for back pain. Otherwise, in case of sleep disorders, there are forms of yoga particularly adapted and if you want to lose weight, there are several possible choices, yoga having real effects on the morphology. Before sports, yoga can also be a very good warm-up of the muscles, but it can also be a sport in its own right.

On the physical: flexibility, reinforced joints, disappearance of back problems.

On the mental : Increased concentration, improved memorization, a clearer and calmer mind.

On the emotional: better management of stress, a strong decrease in anxiety, better quality of sleep.

At the end of the session fifteen minutes are devoted to meditation.

Meditation is a mental and/or spiritual practice. It is often linked to the spiritual realm, but an atheist can also practice it and benefit from it for his or her health, including managing stress on a daily basis.



Price per person                                 1H00 Session                             1H30 Session 

Private lesson                                             38 €                                              45 €

Group lessons per person                         20 €                                              25 €

 O' Temps de Vivre

Emmanuelle - 06 33 63 27 34

Lieu dit Gaudemagne - 24250 Groléjac